Community Groups
"Therefore as you have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him, having been firmly rooted and now being built up in Him and established in your faith, just as you were instructed and overflowing with gratitude." Colossians 2:6-7Our Community Groups
The Word of God is truth. Knowing the truth is essential for a healthy and vibrant life. Come learn in one of our many community groups on Sunday morning. The relationships are meaningful and the learning irreplaceable!
We use the Bible and Lifeway curriculum in our groups, though some teachers/leaders certainly bring other resources into their groups.
Preschool (2-3 year olds); Kindergarten (4-5 year olds)
Teachers: Dodi Bullard, Mary Ellen Herrin, Karla Carter, and Kim Morgan
Children 1 (Grades 1, 2, & 3)
Teachers: Sissy Baxley, Myra Jane Lake, and Teresa Lairsey
Children 2 (Grades 4 & 5)
Teachers: Sybil Dykes and Erin Williams
Youth (6th - 8th Grade)
Teacher: Frank Bullard III
Youth (9th - 12th Grade)
Teacher: Justin Bowers
Armour up! High School youth, come experience God’s Word. We will help you suit up to be able to take on anything this world throws at you.
College and Young Adults
Teacher: Frank Thomas
Adult 1 (Book - Masterworks)
Teachers: Peggy Bowers, Sandy Lee, and Michelle Raulerson
Adult 2
Teachers: Angela Haney and Tim Sawyer
… where family life meets God’s plan for victorious living. We share the good news of Jesus and offer insight on how following God’s path for our lives leads to better families, friendships, and favor with the Lord.
This group will be meeting on Sunday evenings for the foreseeable future (beginning Sept. 2020) in various places (in the church, group members’ homes, etc.). Contact the church office or one of the teachers for the latest information, and plan to join us for enjoyable and enlightening fellowship!
Men's Class
Teachers: Bill Steed and George Griffis
Ladies Class ("JOY" Class)
Teacher(s): To Be Determined
New Members / Young Adults Class
Teacher(s): To Be Determined

550 School Circle
Nahunta, GA 31553